One may wonder I why I called myself Pioneer Girl. I know I'm a little stsrange, but I've always been fascinated with stories of wagons loaded with women, children, and promises of gold and a prosperous future in the west. And their endurance as they traveled west over the plains, prairies, and mountains and settled in various locations therein. So when we hitched up the Barn Owl Express wagon to the back of the Ford pickup, I was jokingly likening myself to the pioneer days. So anyway, just a fun take on a trip I myself had never done. BTW, modern pioneer women do not wear the day bonnets of past, as you can see.Anyway, we landed in Grants NM which really does have a lot of large patches of lava laying around. Barn Owl Camper Guy got the trailer all hooked up, and as we ate our leftover Mexican food from the Lizard Lounge we heard a strange sound coming from the bathroom. Being so tired and hungry, we continued eating until we realized that the clamps on hose in the bathroom had had burst because the water pressure was so high. Can you say FLOOD? Yep, flooded the bathroom and all the carpet and padding that BOCG had just put in. What a mess! So we did what anyone would do in this situation... had a few schnookers of whiskey, and tomorrow is another day. The whiskey really helped....
In the morning, we cut out the wet padding and layed it in the truck bed anchored down and let mother nature's air and sun dry it. So we turned a bad situation into an okay situation. All is well now,
Onward into Arizona, and then the big C. See ya next stop, Pioneer Girl xoxo
Just like true pioneers...except with carpeted bathrooms. But other than that.