The adventures of Pioneer Girl travelling with enthusiastic Camper Barn Owl Guy

Started as a blog about my trip from Pittsburgh to California in a Ford Pickup, hauling a 30' refurbed trailer/camper. Ah, California Dreaming, 'n all that. Found that adventures can be long distance or in your own neighborhood... I look for my own twist on local sites, don't take the known for granted...and always find something new. It's easy, just open your eyes..

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bathtubs and Android

November 16, 2010. Today I decided to try something new and test out the Google Chrome button BLOG THIS! I'm not sure that I will be using it it or what for, but boy technology keeps getting more and more confusing to me. So today's Blog is brought to you by BLOG THIS.

Well, Pioneers, it's not live I've gone anywhere on a journey today, but my journey is learning to use my Android2 that I just got from Verizon. I'm torn, I loved my Blackberry, and had just gotten it down pat, set up exactly the way I wanted it, and could switch between applications with ease. But as my Blackberry was perched upon the side of my bathtub as I was awaiting a call from my landscaper, I accidentally brushed it into the tub. Yes Yes, I immediately retreived it, dried it, took out the battery, dried all posts in front of the heater vent. But that damn red button was a red as red could be.

Went to Verizon and asked if they could possibly have pity on a poor pioneer girl who dropped her cell phone in the bathtub, and they both shook their heads in unison...looked like a loud NO to me and since I have no insurance, I had to buy a new one. So decided I'd look at the Android. At the end of the half hour, I walked out with this new phone that has me so confused, i'm getting stressed out. Wondering if I should go back and exchange it for a Blackberry.

Will decide soon, .... PG xoxo

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